Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Back home

After 6 weeks India I needed quite some time to readjust. Not only it got cold here - when I left I could still wear shorts, not any more - the food I am missing, the people, especially my friends Bindu and family. It was a great time again. I am so thankful that all our projects are running successfully. It's not only Bindus responsible supervision but also our instructor ladies and nurses, who are not only employees but each one a social worker at their place.

A special privilege was to go on a tour to northern India. For sure it's necessary to understand a country and its people with the history and believes. We had a wonderful guide, who not only spoke fluently German but also had a very profound knowledge of the Indian history as well Hinduism and Islam differences.

Life is too short to learn about everything interesting. I am deeply thankful that in an early time in my life I decided to give my life and time to Jesus Christ, who is the only one who offered his life on the cross to free us from the sin. No other so called religion fills this gap, they all ask for unimaginable actions without any proof of salvation.

The peace, love and joy can only understand the one who makes the experience himself/herself.

I don't regret one moment of my life with Christ, it was the best what ever happened to me. Even the hard times showed me especially that I am protected. The world will not understand and think it's foolish but Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross of Calvary is the only solution out of a otherwise meaningless lifetime.

Out of love for Christ I am trying to help ...not to gain salvation...salvation is already given ...Praise to the Lord!!!