Saturday, July 04, 2015

Happy Birthday America - 4th of July - Independence Day

What a great day, 4th of July!
Fireworks all around me. So people celebrate the Independence and its a good reason.
Actually it was supposed to rain again today but against all forecast it was beautiful weather.
We will celebrate tomorrow at my neighbors with an outdoor party ... grilling as its custom and having fun.
I am so thankful for living in this wonderful country. Surely I cannot understand some of this folks who are against everything what is good. The freedom is an result of the Christian based constitution. I wish people would start to recognize and appreciate it more.

At the Denison Forum I read today:
While America's founders were not all committed Christians, they were clearly committed to a Judeo-Christian moral standard.  Even Thomas Jefferson, himself a deist, insisted: "Injustice in government undermines the foundations of a society.  A nation, therefore, must take measures to encourage its members along the paths of justice and morality."

Abraham Lincoln warned, "America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."  Spiritual renewal is critical to the future of our democracy. Our greatest need today is not to make America a Christian nation, but to help America be a nation of Christians (Matthew 28:18-20).
independence  God bless America


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