Gestern feierten wir den Memorial Day in Erinnerung aller Veteranen, die im Dienst des Friedens gekaempft und ihr Leben gelassen haben. Es ist immer ergreifend, obwohl es fast jedesmal der gleiche Ablauf ist. Dieses Mal war ich mit Sally und Jim (Schulfreundin von Bob) und anschliessend nahmen wir an der Feier im Beaver Cemetery teil.
Yesterday we celebrated Memorial Day in Beaver in remembrance of the Veterans, who fought for Peace and Freedom and lost their life for the country. It is always very touching even its: The same procedure as every year.
This time I joined Sally and Jim Foster and afterwards we went to the Beaver Cemetery for the Memorial Celebration.
There are still a few WWII Veterans, but every day die about 20 or more??
Yesterday we celebrated Memorial Day in Beaver in remembrance of the Veterans, who fought for Peace and Freedom and lost their life for the country. It is always very touching even its: The same procedure as every year.
This time I joined Sally and Jim Foster and afterwards we went to the Beaver Cemetery for the Memorial Celebration.
There are still a few WWII Veterans, but every day die about 20 or more??